Awesome Table Apps: Example Use Cases
From store locator maps to product catalogs, discover Awesome Table’s vast array of use cases.
Sales & Marketing
Product catalogManage your product catalog directly from a spreadsheet and make it easy to navigate on your website.

Store locatorEasily display all your store locations on an interactive map and provide opening times, directions, and more!

Sales & Marketing
Sales and marketing assetsEasily manage your marketing and sales assets from a spreadsheet, and make them available on your website. Sales decks, videos, one-pagers, e-books, logos, case studies, and customer stories.

Filing cabinetMake documents easy to find on your intranet. Simply put your files in a Drive or Sharepoint folder and Awesome Table will turn them into a filterable app.

FAQCreate an accordion style FAQ that is easily expandable, searchable and filterable, from a spreadsheet.

Project managementDisplay all your ongoing projects in an easy to understand display. Filters and search tools let you quickly find the projects you're looking for.

Video galleryBuild a playlist of videos for things like online courses, recorded webinars, and personal use, from a spreadsheet.

Data Visualization
Data summaryQuickly create a visualization dashboard for your spreadsheet data. Make it easier for users to filter the results.

People directoryCreate an interactive people directory for your team or department in a few clicks from a spreadsheet

Remote equipment catalogOffer a catalog of products that your employees can request to set up their home office for remote work.

Enterprise app storeBuild an app store with Awesome Table to promote approved business apps and productivity tools.

Awesome Table with Google FormUse Google Forms to enable the collaborative edition of your website from Google Sheets.