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Configure authentication within the REST API Connector

Provide API authentication information to export data from any REST API to Google Sheets with Awesome Table Connectors.


The method of authentication required for exporting to Google Sheets with Awesome Table Connectors depends on the REST API being used. Some APIs do not require any authentication at all. To find out the exact authentication method needed, refer to the API documentation for the specific REST API you are using.


Authenticate using a Bearer token

  1. In the Awesome Table add-on Home screen, click Create new request.

    The list of available connectors is displayed.
  2. Open the Any REST API connector.

  3. Click Configure authentication.

    Configure authentication is in the Configure API Request section
  4. Select Bearer token from the Type menu and enter a token in the related field.

    Enter the token in the Bearer token field
  5. Click Save.

The token will be sent as a HTTP header Authorization: Bearer <token>.

The HTTP header defined for the Bearer token is listed in the Headers table
What’s next
You can now use Awesome Table Connectors to export data from REST API to Google Sheets.

Authenticate with an API key

  1. In the Awesome Table add-on Home screen, click Create new request.

    The list of available connectors is displayed.
  2. Open the Any REST API connector.

  3. Click Configure authentication.

    Configure authentication is in the Configure API Request section
  4. Select API key from the Type menu and enter your key in the related field.

    Enter the key in the API key field
  5. Select HTTP headers or Query parameters from the Add to menu and enter a name in the related field. We are adding the authorization credentials to the HTTP headers.

    Enter the name in the HTTP header name field
  6. Click Save.

The API key will be passed in HTTP headers or as a query parameter.

The HTTP header defined for the API key is listed in the Headers table
What’s next
You can now use Awesome Table Connectors to export data from REST API to Google Sheets.

Authenticate with username and password

  1. In the Awesome Table add-on Home screen, click Create new request.

    The list of available connectors is displayed.
  2. Open the Any REST API connector.

  3. Click Configure authentication.

    Configure authentication is in the Configure API Request section
  4. Select Username/Password from the Type menu and enter your credentials in the related fields.

    Enter the credentials in the Username and Passord fields
  5. Click Save.

The credentials will be encoded and passed in HTTP headers as Authorization: Basic <encoded_string>.


The encoding of the credentials is performed in Base64 ASCII format.

The HTTP header defined for basic authentication is listed in the Headers table
What’s next
You can now use Awesome Table Connectors to export data from REST API to Google Sheets.