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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Awesome Table Connectors have a free trial?
Yes! You can use the full version of Awesome Table Connectors for free up to 10 requests. You only need to install the Awesome Table add-on and you're good to go. Learn how to install the Awesome Table add-on.
How can I subscribe to a plan?

To subscribe to a plan, follow these steps:

  1. Open the billing page.

  2. In the Connectors section, click Upgrade.

  3. Select options for the following, then click Continue:

  4. Check the information provided in the Summary screen, then click Proceed to checkout.

    Automatic renewal is set up on your account. The subscription is renewed either monthly or yearly.

  5. Enter your payment information, then click Subscribe.

    A message opens to confirm that your subscription is activated.

On the billing page, you can see the summary of the plan you purchased and the main features it includes.

How can I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Open the billing page.

  2. In the Connectors section, click Manage.

  3. Click Cancel Connectors plan.

    A message informs you that your account will downgrade to a Free trial at your next billing date.

  4. Click Yes, continue.

    The Summary page is displayed.

  5. Confirm the downgrade to a Free trial.

Your plan is scheduled for downgrade to a Free trial. You can restore your paid plan at any time before the scheduled downgrade date.

I've installed the add-on. How do I launch it?

You can launch Awesome Table Connectors easily by following these steps:

  1. Open a spreadsheet or create a new one.
  2. Select Extensions > Awesome Table > Launch.
    The Welcome to Awesome Table sidebar opens.
  3. Click Sign in with Google.
  4. Select the Google account you want to use with Awesome Table.
  5. Click Continue to grant Awesome Table the required permissions.
    The page closes automatically after a few seconds.

The Awesome Table add-on is now available in Google Sheets.

What permissions are required by the Awesome Table add-on?
The add-on requires the following Google permissions:

Authorization Scopes

Explanation of Awesome Table scope usage

See, edit, create, and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this app

Required by Awesome Table Connectors to allow you to pick a file with the Google picker in Google Drive and Sheets connector.

View and manage spreadsheets that this application has been installed in

Allows Awesome Table Connectors to clear the sheet before running a request.

See all your Google Sheets spreadsheets

Allows Awesome Table Connectors to read information from other spreadsheets (spreadsheet name / sheet name) in the add-on when listing requests from other sheets.

See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets

Required by Awesome Table Apps to allow the Google Visualization API to fetch the spreadsheet data with the viewer access right, and display the Awesome Table app. It also allows Awesome Table Connectors to write source data on the configured spreadsheet during a request.

Connect to an external service

Required to allow Awesome Table Connectors add-on to send/retrieve information from its backend.

Even if this authorization is described as an 'external service', it still stays within Google environment.

Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications

Required to display Awesome Table Connectors sidebars inside Google applications.

For more details, see Google permissions for Awesome Table.

What data is stored by Awesome Table?
The following table lists which of your data is and is not stored in Awesome Table databases:

Type of data

We store

We don't store

Personal information
  • Username
  • Account email address
  • Basic profile information
  • Any other personal information

Google Sheets data
  • Google Sheets ID (identifier of your Google Sheets datasource)
  • Sheet name and range
  • Content of your Google Sheets

Microsoft data
  • Workbook ID (identifier of your workbook datasource)
  • Drive ID (identifier of the OneDrive or Sharepoint where the workbook is stored)
  • Direct link to your workbook (only works when authenticated)
  • Sheet name and range
  • Content of your Workbook datasource
Connector data
  • API Keys, OAuth tokens, Basic auth information are stored in Cloud Datastore in a secure and encrypted container (StoredCredentials).
  • Source data is cached encrypted server-side for a short period of time (at most 30 minutes) to provide the best performance possible.
  • Metadata required to run a query (user, query configuration) is encrypted before it is stored (Datastore encryption at rest).
  • Source data
  • Unencrypted credentials

For more details, see Data stored by Awesome Table.

Why do I need to sign in with Google multiple times?
When you launch the Awesome Table add-on for the first time, you will be asked to sign in again with your Google account. This is required in order to write data into your spreadsheet and to schedule requests without having the add-on open at all times.
The connector I need to use isn't available. What can I do?

We are always listening to your feedback and continually adding new connectors. You can either: